Friday, November 5, 2010

This is SPARTA!...Not really its college.

And even though this is college, with all the drama I see, you'd think we were in middle school or elementary. Now I admit, I definitely don't act my age. In fact, though I am older then most of my friends, most of them are more mature then I on certain levels. And I'm okay with that; let them be grown ups with their marriages, philosophical thinkings, and such, I like being silly and entertaining. And yet, even I have a limit to immaturity. It annoys me to no end when people are childish when it comes to dealing with hurt feelings, the opposite sex, and trying to hard to be liked by being childish on purpose (if that makes sense).

I believe the most childish thing to do when dealing with hurt felings is to do nothing! I absolutly hate it when people give off the silent treament and avoid the other person in question. I too have had friends give me the silent treatment during my school days and the present and it still bothers me! If you have a problem spit it out, how am I supposed to fix the wrong or apologize if I don't know whats going on. And come on, avoiding me? Just makes social gatherings more awkward.

When it comes to the opposite sex, there are 3 types of girls. The type that goes all weird and giggly, the type that don't really care, and and the happy mediums. Until recently, I used to be the weird giggly types. I loved talking about the latest guys and who said hi to me or smiled, etc. Until recently, I was with some friends (all younger then me (but still in college)), when they started talking about boys. I caught myself mentally rolling my eyes and thinking "Oh please." I am now in the happy medium group.

Do you remember those kids back in school that would act like goof balls just to get attention? I do. And I've met some here at University and it drives me crazy. Saying stupid stuff (that isn't funny) to appear funny and likeable is annoying. Now I know I say silly stuff and it makes people laugh, some is unintentional and some is. But I'm not doing it to be popular I'm doing it because its me.

Oh college, it still has annoying people, childish drama, and homework. I wonder if these three things will go away when I become a grown up.

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