Friday, May 20, 2011

'Tis the season to be...

'Tis the season married. fa la la la la.

No seriously, it's getting warmer so all the wedding announcements are coming. and it's soo weird! Little girls I knew when they were 12 are now 18 and getting married, kidsI knew in high school are getting married, returned missionaries I met are getting married, AND married friends I know are having/had babies already! Don't get me wrong, I don't feel bitter or upset like "It should be me" *mope* pity party *mope* I just think-good for them.

I'll be turning 25 in September and I'm single. Do I ever think about having a significant other? Yes. Will it ever happen in this life? I think so! My "goal" is to get hitched at least by age 38 (but now that I've put that in writing, I probably jinxed myself). In the past (err and present) I've had little girlish daydreams of marrying certain young men. But those are just daydreams, I can't see the future.

I don't really know why I'm spilling my guts about such a subject, but with all the weddings it's been on my mind.

Monday, May 2, 2011

A New Direction and a New Found Hobby

All my life my career goal was to be a teacher; as I grew the subject of what I taught changed (music, art, kindergarten, history, the fifth grade). Then in high school I discovered drama and since then my career goal was to be a drama teacher.
But I don't want to do that anymore. I feel like I've been in school for too long. I'm tired of homework and recently, tired of not being cast in any show. Now that may sound snotty but it's what kept me going before. I could handle loads of homework because I had the enjoyment of rehearsals and performances to balance it out. But without a show, I have extra time to be bored.
SO! I have decided to go on a completely different career path. I really enjoy doing make-up, and I know with a little more training & practice I can be doing it professionally for the stage and/or movies(and tv). Don't think I'm dropping out of school completely, I've also decided that once I save up more tuition money I'll just get a general theatre degree.

And about that new hobby: during Easter weekend I went with a couple friends to Sakura Con (a convention) dedicated to anime, manga, and pretty much anything Japanese culture. We also cosplayed, and seeing all the other con-goer's cosplay and wigs I realized knowing how to do that would not only be fun but VERY helpful to my new career choice. My sewing skills aren't that good but I'm already working on it AND I bought a wig and found to my pleasure I'm pretty good at styling! And I can't wait for next years convention!

I thought I might as well add an update on my current location. As I said before I have run out of tuition money, so I'm living with my parents looking for a job, at least I was, I caught bronchitis and haven't been doing anything. But I've been taking a load of gross medicine and WILL get better soon!