Thursday, September 18, 2014

Community Theatre is Supposed to be a Community Thing

A long long time ago, after I'd graduated from high school, I was sad to leave my precious theatre. But then! Glorious day! I learned that my little town had a community theatre where anyone could audition. My first time I auditioned for a show, I met a ton of new people all different ages, all lovers of theatre, and I thought it was a beautiful thing. Because there were those who'd been doing shows for Years and those who were not so experienced. But we all did the same audition and we were all treated the same. I went on to do three plays there before I left on my mission (in 2008).

Then in 2011, I came back home from Univeristy. I was excited to get back in the shows at my cozy little theatre. But, it had All changed. It was no longer a "community" but the theatre committee and their friends. Since 2011 to today (2014), I've been in two plays, though I've auditioned for A lot more. I'm not saying I'm a wonderful actor and need to be cast in everything. What I'm saying is-people notice when the same committee/directors cast the Same people in their shows. This isn't a community, it's become a clique. And it makes me sad and angry.

I used to love going to auditions not only to audition but also to see my fellow theatre friends whom I Only saw at auditions. But now, when I go, I have a little feeling of  dread because I know I wouldn't see those old friends who are distancing themselves on purpose. And I dread seeing Certain people at the audition because I know-if they're there, I have no chance in getting a part. And sadly, I'm Always right.

I hope someday, the commitee changes. I hope that they don't kill  theatre here because of their discouraging "clique". I hope that some hopeful highschool graduates will continue their love for theatre and not give up on this theatre, because I already have.