Saturday, February 25, 2012

Making a Life

I've been working at that daycare for seven months. And hoo boy, has it been an experience. I've learned a lot about the "real world" and I gotta say; it's not pleasant. My co-workers talk about each other behind their backs, tattle on one another to the boss, there's no communication, and the worst of the worst: my boss does not know how to do math. I decided to be smart and do the math myself (with Dads help) turns out I'm not getting paid for ALL the hours I've worked. It really ticks me off, and that's IS the last straw, but I'm not quitting 'till April. You may ask why not just quit now. Well I've already asked for a week off in April, and it wouldn't be fair to get a new job then ask for a week off so soon. And besides I really need to save for my my week off.

Which by the way is going to be awesome-my week off in April, that is! I finally get to see the Broadway musical Wicked in Portland, then, drive up to Seattle for a weekend of SakuraCon. Which I'm totally not prepared for! I've paid for my tickets and registration-BUT I have no idea how I'm getting to my destinations or how I'm getting home, NOR do I know where I'm sleeping. Oh and my cosplay for the SakuraCon isn't even finished. *Sigh*

AND finally! I'm in another play! I auditioned for The Hobbit. There were only two girl parts: a lady troll and the eleven queen, then multiple characters that could be either/or. So on the first night of auditions (there were two), I made myself an elf ear out of nose&scar wax just to show my skills. If I didn't get cast I really wanted to do makeup. SO they called me up I've been cast as Elf-Guard 2 AND help with making elf ears, but I hope I get to do more makeup than that.

Speaking of makeup I found an academy I really like. Before I couldn't decide, where to move, which was cheaper, where I could learn more, etc. But the I found the QC Academy and its ONLINE! I get the materials, I learn on my own time, I submit my "homework" on my own time, then I get help where I need it, then a little multiple choice quiz, THEN a certificate, and it's not too badly priced. So now all I gotta do is save up to get out of my hometown-where I just don't know yet.

And in other big news. I was in a actually relationship. It was long distance and it was...nice, I guess. We've known each other for quite a while, but we decided to try the whole boyfriend/girlfriend thing. It lasted like 4 months; but I'm glad i got the experience. Now I know what it feels like to not have chemistry and now I know what I want and not want in a future relationship/husband-which is ya know kinda important.

So, that's it. I just need to save up a bajillion dollars and get out of here. To a bigger city and make a life!